Moonbeam: Polkadot-based parachain and developer-oriented blockchain

2 min readFeb 15, 2021

Moonbeam is a project with a core idea to provide more freedom to DApp developers and chain users. The creators of the project focuses on a small revolution in modern technologies, and there is every chance of making it a reality.

Moonbeam implementation goals

Moonbeam develops two main ideas as a basis. On the one hand, it should be a blockchain for DApp developers who need Ethereum working tools.

The creators declare the function of creating bridges to the infrastructure of current Ethereum networks. That is, tworking with existing Solidity smart contracts and DApp frontends to Moonbeam needs not so much changes.

Also, developers use the Polkadot network to build connections for different isolated networks. That is, users will be able to work and transfer data between multiple chains in a global infrastructure.

Moonbeam functions

The team points several basic technologies and functions for their product to consider in order to understand the essence.

· Full decentralization and freedom of DApp applications (existing and those to be built in the future).

· Easy portability by developers of smart contracts with no need to make global changes (smart contracts based on Solidity). Porting existing DApps will also require minimal changes.

· Compatibility with Substrate Ecosystem Tools, which provides a set of simple solutions for developers and users.

· Transfer of tokens and messages between different types of chains due to the native cross-integration of chains.

· Developers can modify the underlying protocol to suit personal needs. The project promises them maximum time and resource savings.

Moonbeam project technologies

Moonbeam uses the Rust programming language, which is widely applicable and efficient for blockchain tasks, and provides additional security benefits. The technological basis is the Substrate toolbox. The base Moonbeam runtime is created via FRAME.

Smart contract completion technologies focus on Ethereum Layer 1 in the first place. The developers made it possible to implement smart contracts using languages ​​like Solidity and Vyper.

Brief summary

So, this is an ambitious project to fill an important technology gap for DApp devs. It will help create global chain solutions with new horizons for users, and also simplifies a number of developer tasks.

